Blogging 101: The Basics

Since I started my first blog in 2012 I have been asked multiple times how to start your own blog and have helped many people over the years with their blogs and brands. I have learned so much over the past 5 years and figured it would be the perfect time to share some beginner tips if you would like to start your own blog. 


ver the years, my style and interests have changed but style and helping others has always been the root of my passion. 


research, learn, research some more and never stop learning!

I pretty much learned everything by watching youtube videos, reading other blog posts, browsing Google and Pinterest for endless hours. It pays off trust me! 

choose a platform

I first started on Tumblr, then moved to Blogger (because it was free and this girl was on a very strict budget) since that was more appropriate for what I wanted in a blog and then I moved to Squarespace when 1. I found out that on Blogger you don't own your content and it could be taken down at any moments notice and I was taking no chances. I dove in head first to paying for a web service and haven't looked back since. I self-taught myself how to use it and it was extremely user friendly and easy to learn. If you would like an overview of why I chose Squarespace, let me know in the comments! 

chose a blog name

This is a vital aspect that you not only need to really think through but think about your name in the future and how you can grow with it. Make sure it's not just a trendy name or some crazy words that no one can pronounce or spell. Make it easy, reflect your style and be timeless!

choose social media channels 

If I could go back in time, the one thing I would do would be to make all my social media channels the same name. I can still do that, but at this point in time it's not only risky but I have come to appreciate having my twitter and instagram my own name so people get to know me better. Again, do your research and think about it you want your face to be the brand or if you strictly want it to just be your blog name. Choose the social media channels where your readers are! For me, twitter, Instagram and Facebook are my top 3 referrers so I tend to focus on those more since I know that is where my target audience is (more on this in the next Blogging 101 post!). 

create an email

I started off with an @ gmail account since it was free as I was just starting out and I really love the whole Google system. After a couple years I switched my email to info @ since it not only looked more professional but allows people to know who and where their emails are coming from. 

Treat your blog like a brand!

Need help with branding? Check out my e-course below!