Easy Skincare Without The Routine

Not all of us have the time for an intensive skincare routine. However, this doesn't mean that there aren’t a few ways you can look after your skin without the routine. Just by looking at the basics, you can improve and make sure you have glowing skin. Just by instilling the basics and making healthy lifestyle choices you can help to delay natural aging and prevent some skin problems. 


Have a look at these easy skincare methods without the routine: 

Protect Your Skin From The Sun

One of the easiest ways to take care of your skin is to make sure you're protecting it from the elements. The biggest way you can protect it is to make sure you take action and protect yourself from the sun. A lifetime of sitting in the sun and catching the rays can lead to early aging, age spots, and other skin problems, not to mention the fact that it increases the chance of skin cancer. There is a broad spectrum of sunscreen that you can use so make sure you do your research about what protection will be best for your skin type. You should always try to use a minimum of SPF 15. As a rule, you should try to avoid sun midday, as this is when the sun is at it’s strongest, and always reapply at regular intervals. 

 Don't Smoke

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health, but did you know it’s also bad for your skin? It can make your skin look older and contribute to your wrinkles. It also makes you look paler, this is because it affects the blood vessels in the outer layer of skin and decreases the blood flow. One of the most worrying things about smoking is that it stops the skin from receiving the levels of oxygen and nutrients that it needs to be healthy. Smoking can also have an effect on skin collagen and elastin meaning that the fibers that give your skin stretch can get damaged. The only way to protect your skin from this is to quit. 

Treat Your Skin Kindly

Even the simplest of actions such as shaving and cleansing can take their toll on your skin. You should try and keep it gentle. If you have to use a rosacea cleanser or spot clearing cream on a regular basis make sure you choose a quality product that isn’t harsh on your skin. Other things you can do to help include: 

  • Reduce Bath Time - Although it’s nice to have a soak in the bath or take a long shower, doing this too often can remove essential oils from your skin. Try using warm rather than hot water and remember to keep your skin hydrated.

  • Stay Away From Strong Soaps - Try opting for mild cleansers rather than using strong soaps and detergents. 

  • Shave Carefully - You should always try to make sure you use lubrication such as shaving cream when shaving to give your skin a level of protection. You should also make sure you are always using a clean, sharp razor and follow the direction of your hair. Don’t rush and take your time.

These are just a few of the easy skincare things you can do without the intensive routine.

Is there anything that you do to look after your skin that you could share in the comments section below? 

4 Ways To Live A More Relaxed Lifestyle

There are probably many people that you meet that are either a) too busy or b) too stressed. More than likely a combination of both. Often our lifestyles are made to be hectic. We work the majority of the day, even if we are freelancers or small business owners. And the rest of the time is spent looking after the family, running errands, finishing work that you had to take home, trying to see people and on it goes. 

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It is a lot by any measure. 

The focus has shifted on being as busy as you can for as long as possible to try to find a work-life balance that makes you feel good and avoiding building stress levels. Trying to live more relaxed is better for you and your family in the long run. Stressed out people often have mood swings, can be tired and may go on to develop depression or anxiety. Negativity can quickly become overwhelming. So here are some tips to help you relax your lifestyle and inject some calm - quickly. 


It is time to start saying no to the things that you feel like you can’t do, or that you know will bring you a lot of stress. We find saying yes so easy. Piling on extra work, social commitments, financial commitments, but there is only so much you can do. And if you are saying yes to everything you might just be hitting your breaking point. Learn to say no, remove the things that are a source of stress for you. It might be difficult if the stress is people, but it is better for you in the long run. Start by removing distractions that are taking up your precious time such as social media. Learn to limit things that don’t bring value to your life as well and you will quickly realize how much more time you have to make room for self care.


You don’t have to head out and book the first talking therapist you find, but it might pay to investigate some ways that you can learn to relax and unwind. Often they are referred to as alternative therapies and come in the form of things like working with a yoga teacher, an acupuncturist, or a life coach. Book a special spa treatment. Finding different more natural ways of relaxing can be invigorating and exciting as there are so many different options out there that you may not even know about!


At first, many people find meditating a little bit boring, or they can’t quite settle. Over time, after it gets built into your daily life, meditation will be something you want to do, not something you feel like you have to. It will teach you ways that you can quiet your mind, which means you can slide intrusive thoughts, and negative thoughts off to the side and replace them with positive ones. Over time this will make a difference to your thought pattern in general. Plus, those ten minutes that you spend will go by in a flash. Headspace is an excellent application for you to start your meditation journey, and Calm is another option. Meditation could also just be free writing and journaling or laying down and listening to some spa music while breathing deeply. Try whatever works for you!

Problem Solving

We, by nature, love to solve problems. But sometimes we see issues where there aren’t any. So sit down and think about what you deem to be your problems. Once they are all written down, see how you can reframe them. For example, is the bus stop moving further away from a bad thing, or is it allowing you to get your daily steps in? You parents flying in for the weekend - problem? Or an opportunity to try that recipe you’ve been waiting to try? We often build issues up to be much bigger, because we aren’t used to more positive thinking. 

Relaxing your lifestyle will give you breathing space to get back to the stuff you love, and maybe introduce you to some new hobbies too!

Leave a comment down below and let me know how you plan on incorporating one of these tips into living a more relaxed lifestyle or if you already do incorporate one, how has it changed your perspective or life?

Three Easy Ways to Maintain Your Motivation For a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s no big secret that maintaining a healthy lifestyle at times can be fairly difficult. It’s hard to stay motivated and it can be hard to resist the temptation to slip into a bad routine. It can be far too easy to slip into a cycle of bad eating and no exercise which isn't good for your bodies. It’s really important that we try our hardest to stay motivated. You shouldn’t start beating yourself up though if you do this is a sure-fire way to end up falling completely off the wagon. 


Have a look below at some of the ways you can help to keep you motivated with your healthy lifestyle: 

Pay Attention To Your Routine

It can often be the case that mixing up your routine can be the answer to maintaining your focus and keeping you on track with your healthy lifestyle. Regularly changing or swapping around your routine is almost as important as making sure you have one set in place. Once you've been set in a routine for a while it can be really easy to fall out of it and that’s because we get bored. Having a routine doesn't necessarily mean that you should be following the same one every day it can mean that you are keeping on top your health care. Making sure you have all your important medical info on you, knowing important phone numbers and knowing where the nearest urgent care and hospital is just as important to include in your routine. 

Make It Interesting

You know that exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but at times it can be boring. Nobody wants to feel bored so it's not surprising that many people lose their motivation for a healthy lifestyle purely for the fact that their exercise routine is boring and mundane. You should be trying to do exercises that you find motivational and fun at the same time. So if going for a morning swim isn't for you, find something that you do enjoy. Try a few new things until you find something that you know you can really sink your teeth into. Some examples could include yoga, dancing or even kickboxing.

Include Your Friends And Family

A brilliant way to help with your motivation is to not be doing it on your own. Turning your healthy lifestyle into a group activity that you and your friends or family can do together will be sure to keep you on the right track. You’re able to share different ideas, give each the push that you might need and encourage each other to try something new. Whether it's trying new foods or a new exercise class, there is something more motivational about doing it together than alone that is powerful. If you have children it’s not only a good idea to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage exercise for them it will also help with your willpower, and keeping healthy will mean you are able to more exciting activities too. 

Do you have any other ways to keep up your motivation when it comes to a healthy lifestyle?

Please share them in the comments section below!