How To Look Fresh Faced Without Makeup

Many of us rely on make-up to feel beautiful. In fact, some of us can’t even leave the house without slapping some foundation and eye shadow on. Going make-up free now and again can be healthy for our skin. It can also free up time in the morning spent doing your make-up, while also saving you money spent on cosmetics. More importantly, it can help you build your self-confidence and make you feel more comfortable in your own skin!

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Here are just several ways to rock a more natural look:

Get your beauty sleep

A full sleep cycle is essential for flushing the toxins out of our bodies. If you complete this cycle and wake up early without enough sleep, your skin will appear paler and puffier. Stress may also increase the likeliness of spots and rashes. Try to aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night to counter this. Your skin will look fresher and rosier and you’ll be less likely to get spots. Try staying away from screens before bed and get into a nighttime routine.

Stay hydrated

Drinking lots of water is also good for your skin by keeping it moisturized. It helps blood flow, allowing nutrients to more easily reach the surface of your skin. This will give your face a more natural glow and can improve wrinkles, elasticity, and all-around appearance.

Up your skincare routine

A skincare routine can help to prevent spots and wrinkles. This could include washing your face, exfoliating it, moisturizing and possibly using other serums. Washing will help to clean out pores while exfoliating gets rid of dead skin cells. Moisturizer helps provide oils into the skin needed for keeping it supple. As for skin serums, these come in all forms and are usually used to help treat spots and wrinkles directly. Check out our recent post - Easy Skincare Without The Routine for more tips!

Consider your hairstyle

A clean and tidy hairstyle will help to emphasize your beauty. Consider seeing a hairstylist and see what they recommend. There are many low maintenance styles that can allow you to stay looking fresh-faced and beautiful without having to put lots of different products in your hair (if you’re taking a break from using cosmetics on your face, you may as well take a break from using them in your hair). My personal favorite is a sleek topknot. It not only looks put together but gives your face a little lift by pulling all your hair up and back.

Work on your smile

A smile is more warming and more attractive than any amount of make-up. Think positive thoughts when going make-up free so that you’re encouraged to smile more often. Some people can get embarrassed about their smile – most often because they don’t like their teeth. If this is the case, consider ways of improving your teeth such as straightening them or looking into whitening methods. If you’re more embarrassed about the way you smile, you can always try practicing in a mirror or your selfie camera (many people have an angle that they prefer).

Work on your self-confidence

At the core of it all, it’s all about how beautiful you feel on the inside and my dear you are. By working on your self-confidence, you’ll grow to not care what people think of you without makeup and you’ll learn more and more to do what makes YOU feel beautiful not what society or someone else makes you feel like you need to do to make you feel beautiful. We are all our own worst critics but at the end of the day, it is all about loving ourselves and the bodies we are in!

Enhance Your Self-Esteem in 3 Simple Steps

Share in the comments below how you look fresh face without makeup!


Easy Skincare Without The Routine

Not all of us have the time for an intensive skincare routine. However, this doesn't mean that there aren’t a few ways you can look after your skin without the routine. Just by looking at the basics, you can improve and make sure you have glowing skin. Just by instilling the basics and making healthy lifestyle choices you can help to delay natural aging and prevent some skin problems. 


Have a look at these easy skincare methods without the routine: 

Protect Your Skin From The Sun

One of the easiest ways to take care of your skin is to make sure you're protecting it from the elements. The biggest way you can protect it is to make sure you take action and protect yourself from the sun. A lifetime of sitting in the sun and catching the rays can lead to early aging, age spots, and other skin problems, not to mention the fact that it increases the chance of skin cancer. There is a broad spectrum of sunscreen that you can use so make sure you do your research about what protection will be best for your skin type. You should always try to use a minimum of SPF 15. As a rule, you should try to avoid sun midday, as this is when the sun is at it’s strongest, and always reapply at regular intervals. 

 Don't Smoke

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health, but did you know it’s also bad for your skin? It can make your skin look older and contribute to your wrinkles. It also makes you look paler, this is because it affects the blood vessels in the outer layer of skin and decreases the blood flow. One of the most worrying things about smoking is that it stops the skin from receiving the levels of oxygen and nutrients that it needs to be healthy. Smoking can also have an effect on skin collagen and elastin meaning that the fibers that give your skin stretch can get damaged. The only way to protect your skin from this is to quit. 

Treat Your Skin Kindly

Even the simplest of actions such as shaving and cleansing can take their toll on your skin. You should try and keep it gentle. If you have to use a rosacea cleanser or spot clearing cream on a regular basis make sure you choose a quality product that isn’t harsh on your skin. Other things you can do to help include: 

  • Reduce Bath Time - Although it’s nice to have a soak in the bath or take a long shower, doing this too often can remove essential oils from your skin. Try using warm rather than hot water and remember to keep your skin hydrated.

  • Stay Away From Strong Soaps - Try opting for mild cleansers rather than using strong soaps and detergents. 

  • Shave Carefully - You should always try to make sure you use lubrication such as shaving cream when shaving to give your skin a level of protection. You should also make sure you are always using a clean, sharp razor and follow the direction of your hair. Don’t rush and take your time.

These are just a few of the easy skincare things you can do without the intensive routine.

Is there anything that you do to look after your skin that you could share in the comments section below? 

Nobody is Perfect and That’s Okay

Any little girl who grew up reading fairy tales is already forced into a world where perfection appears effortlessly achievable. Snow White, for instance, is so beautiful that her step-mother, the Queen, can’t stand her comparison. The very reason why Snow White’s life is threatened is that she, ultimately, is too perfect. However, as a young girl reading through the book or watching your favorite Disney’s rendition, your first reaction is to be scared on behalf of Snow White and to want her to win in the end. As an adult, however, you might find growing in yourself a sense of understanding for the Evil Queen who cannot, despite her best efforts and all her magical skills, achieve perfection. Perfection is, as far as we know, not of this world. However, we still crave for it, unable to accept and cherish our imperfection. It’s time to silence the Evil Queen in each of us. 


Stop worrying about what others think of you

The very first thing you need to do to fight off your Evil Queen is to focus on yourself without stopping to consider what others think or do. Indeed, the source of pain for the Evil Queen is to compare herself against others, as she asks her magical mirror who is the most beautiful women in the kingdom. Don’t follow her footsteps. Comparing yourself to others is no real measurement of your uniqueness and worth. We are naturally biased to find the grass greener on the other side, but it’s not always an accurate feeling. Following your path creates a unique route that is beyond comparison. It’s all about you, and if you wish to compare, you should compare to your past self. 

What if this is causing internal turmoil?

Unfortunately, in your quest to perfection, pain can come from a variety of places. For the Evil Queen, ignoring comparison wouldn’t have been sufficient to maintain her happiness. Indeed, the Queen is all of us when she actively seeks reassurance from her mirror. Am I truly the most beautiful beyond comparison? It’s the question she would ask today. Bluesky Psychology experts fear that the Queen’s excessive need for comparison reveals a tragic lack of self-worth. Indeed, if you have no sense of how well you’re doing until you can compare yourself to others, working with a therapist could help you to break free and work with you if you are dealing with these types of things.

Therapy does not work for everyone so if you are dealing with lack of self worth or more such as anxiety, depression or something else of the sort please seek out medical help you are not alone.

Understanding the difference between not good enough and self-improvement

Wanting to get better is healthier than attempting to eliminate all competition like the Evil Queen does. However, while the path to self-improvement is about acquiring new skills with the help of a mentor or a partner who makes you accountable, it’s also a path to achieve a goal. Whether you want to fit in your bridal gown or become a better manager, defining success begins with your objective. Self-improvement is not a path toward self-acceptance. If you don’t love yourself at the beginning of the journey, you’re likely to find flaws at the end. 

The Evil Queen lives in each of us. She compares herself constantly to others. She is obsessed about it and finds no way out but destruction to achieve her goals. While nobody goes to such extents, there’s no denying that the quest for perfection leaves us just as damaged and vulnerable. It’s time to make peace with our imperfect self. The Queen can finally relax in the knowledge that Snow White is too perfect to be real. 

And we all are imperfect happily after.

Love who you are and water your own grass!